For those of you who are looking for quilting and scrapbooking stuff you can skip this post as it is more pictures from Camp Nana! LOL
As I have 500+ pictures from Camp Nana week I thought it might be nice to share a few with family and friends.
DD B and her DH B helped create the signs for our Backyard Carnival on Thurs. I had the kids minus Grandson I pose with it. I think it is so cute and everyone did a great job with all the signs. The kids enjoyed making signs to put on their games by using the Cricut to cut the letters. DD B and SIL B made sure they had all the letters they needed for their signs
Here is SIL B and baby A just chillin before we started. A is wearing one of his Thomas onsies...lucky boy had one for each day of Camp Nana's Great Train Adventures LOL Gosh he is just so cute!As I have 500+ pictures from Camp Nana week I thought it might be nice to share a few with family and friends.
DD B and her DH B helped create the signs for our Backyard Carnival on Thurs. I had the kids minus Grandson I pose with it. I think it is so cute and everyone did a great job with all the signs. The kids enjoyed making signs to put on their games by using the Cricut to cut the letters. DD B and SIL B made sure they had all the letters they needed for their signs

Yes I rented a cotton candy machine for our Carnival Train was so worth it! The kids LOVED being able to get as much as they wanted...oh I am a bad Nana!...and as you see youngest DS A manned the Concession booth and had so much fun making all those cotton candy on a sticks. Here we have grson B and grdaughter C getting their first ones.
Camp Nana was such fun and this was just a little taste of all we did. Each of us created and manned a game or two for everyone to try. The prizes were just a big jar of goodies that you could choose out of...Grson N did a sort of ping pong ball PLINKO game that he and Papa Howard made, grandson B did a Balloon and Darts game...very popular....again with help from Papa and the other kids helped drill in the screws to hold on the foam board and Grdaughter C did a bean-bag toss by creating her own clown target and with help from Nana sewed her own bean-bags! Papa brought out his stilts which grdson N conquered pretty quickly and most everyone tried at least once...along with a game that grdson I had fun just carrying it around after the games were over LOL...Nana Cathie did a ring toss with bottles and pool toy rings and also a penny pitch with some cup and saucers...
We thought later it would have been nice to invite the neighborhood kids to join us since we don't have tons of family but all in all a great ending to the Train Adventure at Camp Nana!
1 comment:
HI! Cathie, I have created a post on my blog. I would love your feedback.
Julie S thanks.
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