Not exactly...
Does anyone mend their clothes anymore? Youngest DS A showed me his jeans had three holes in them...three different pair of pants. Funny spots not the knees or bumm area but he wanted me to mend them. Now I don't know about you but I hardly ever mend anything but way back 13 or so years ago when I got my machine we learned how to use the fancy stitches to mend so dragging the information out of my almost 53 year old brain I mended his jeans. One thing they need to make is a variegated thread that is called "washed denim" LOL I tried all kinds of thread and as you see it doesn't lend itself to un-noticeable mending with one of my pretty fancy variegated quilting threads but it is done....
So that is the mending part, now for the chickens.
One of my projects on my blog Quilts in Que is a Block of the Month from 2005. The board members of my weekly quilt group each took turns presenting star patterns that could be divided by 3 inches through the year. I had a stash of fabric that I purchased mostly in Anaheim on a family trip that had roosters on it picked out and through 2005 I did the monthly block. Because we don't do an actual meeting in December there were only 11 blocks presented. I had designed a wall hanging that needed a total of 17 blocks and planned to create the extras myself...well here it is almost 3 years later and I just needed two 6 inch blocks to complete the block part and I pulled out the plastic box with fabric and blocks and decided today was the day. One block is from Carol Doak's Yahoo group August BOM and the other was taught to us today at our meeting called Twisted Star. Carmen taught us the "partial seam" method and it was a 9 inch block. It is not a hard method but makes the blocks look really neat with the kind off center parts. Luckily she had Electric Quilt on our quilt room computer and was able to print off directions, templates and foundation pieced papers for a 6 inch size. OK I was tempted to paper piece it but nope...I bit the bullet and used the templates along with my Kaye England rulers and TA-DA it came out perfectly...or at least as perfect as I can do! LOL
So here you see mending and chickens!

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