Yes, that's right!
B &B & A's last Sunday here in Utah was spent with us as they have finally gotten their information and move "orders" for Texas. There is plenty of excitement as they are working to get their apartment ready for the movers, getting rid of things that aren't needed or wanted and sorting what will be packed. Little grandson A was not happy as Mommy and Daddy's attention needed to be on getting all the other stuff done and not on him! LOL
He also got he shots on Thursday and probably not feeling his best for a few days. Poor little guy. They are searching online for a place to live in San Antonio and are asking a friend to check out a couple of possibilities which would be nice to have done quickly so they can leave to visit family in VA. with a home to come back to! LOL
Today I will try and keep little A happy while all the confusion goes on.

It is much cooler and rainy here in Utah and a wonderful break from the hot weather we have had the past few months. IT rained most of last night and it was wonderful to fall asleep to the sound of rain out my window. No plans for this year to cook out as usual so we can help out B &B pack and get ready!

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