I wish we had ripe tomatos to show off but not yet...plenty of green baby ones tho' so there is hope for the next month or so.
Then we have A and friends off for their "Excellent Adventure" to AZ...sure hope all goes well. I waited and waited for him to call and let me know he got there OK but ended up calling him and of course he "forgot" as he got busy settleing in his friends house.
Last of all some new fabric for my stash...first pic is what I bought at the Quilt Fair...more on that later. I was a good girl and kept my buys small this time. I got the charm packs on sale and the blue/green/yellow ones are a great match for my newly redecorated bedroom and will one day become a great wall hanging or throw for my bed. The second pic shows a trade from J...my friend C's dil for some lovely Amy B fabric I won. I love to look at it but it's not exactly my style so I gave her 3 fq's and she got this great stuff...for my Civil War quilt to be...in trade...everyone is happy!
More later as I upload pics.
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