I was a very good girl and managed to resist the vendors mostly but did pick up the stuff I showed in the last post and bought a "factory second" book by a new designer to use those charm Squares with LOL and at JoAnn I bought a book on finishing quilts...more on the books later.

The kitty quilt was at the Auction and brought in $535...I think but is is so cute whatever it's price! The quilt was made by one of the local "bees" called KNOTT and they always have a great contribution to the auction each year as they are all very involved in the Utah Valley Quilt guild as a group. There were several other great quilts donated too but I don't have pics.
Next was one of the mini classes on Aprons with a short overview of vintage aprons but emphasizing current patterns and fabrics. Didn't know they are now a "fashion accessory"! LOL Gosh mine are for use in the kitchen to keep me clean...who knew?
Next pic is of the last year's BOM for the guild set together in a pack of patterns for $2....great buy but I will not be doing this one LOL Got too many irons in the fire right now! Love the brights she used in her quilt.
Last of all is one of the great vendors and happens to be the booth of the charms and book I bought at the fair. LOL She uses only squares and they can be any size to create different sizes of quilts. Pretty ingenious I think.

How Fun Cathi!! I didn't go this year. I'm glad you went and reported on it. I heard it was all lovely. Makes me wish I had gotten off work to go.
Thanks for the pictures. I've never been, and it looks like they do a terrific job! --Nedra
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