He is a happy healthy baby and brings joy to his parents' lives and of course to his Nana and Papa's too even though he is now living in Texas and we are in Utah. Thank goodness for the Internet, cell phones and airplanes! I would probably make the family pick up household and move to Texas if not for all those wonderful inventions!
Just a couple of pictures from Alex's second food experience. So far he has been breast feeding and eating a small amount of rice cereal but here he is trying squash! Liked it pretty well so as long as their aren't any strange reactions for a while he gets to try a new veggie soon! Mommy B is being slow to introduce foods in hopes of avoiding allergies. Hope it works!
It can't possibly be 6 months! Where does all that time go? Beautiful boy!
what a cutie! i too am glad for all the newfangled contraptions that allow us to watch the little ones grow even 3k miles away!
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